Thursday 4 April 2024

stuck in a rut

So 9 years and 2 children later. I am sitting at 13 7. I was 12 13 justb6 weeks ago. I have a few good days then blow it. I have been doing pro points and smart points but it is old now and not motivating me. Thought I would give 5:2 a bash again. Especially since the days I am bad I am not actually that bad its  it like I binge.
5:2 has changed a bit since I last did it. Yiu can now have up to 800.cals on fast days. Let's start tomorrow as my forst fast day! 

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Fast day 2 of week 3 516 cal

Had 2 crackers owth 20g of lightest Phili for 56 cal. Went for a coffee after work.  Had a 460 calorie balti from m and s for dinner.

Monday 26 October 2015

(Weigh day) Fast day 1 of week 3 496 cal

A successful week as I've lost over 2lbs. Can't believe it. Couldn't be bothered with a fast day today however my weight loss gave me a boost.  Slept in this morning so grabbed lunch from asda, a tiny sushi snack for 109 calories. Made lentil , squash and sweet potato soup for 270 cal. I was naughty and had a low calorie 117 cal.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Non fast day week 2 2400 -250cal

Again I'm posting to ensure I don't have an extra dessert. Recreated the mexican burger from handmade burger for lunch. It was delicious but was a whopping 900 calories. It did have healthy avacado on it though. Stupidly had 3 of the mini empire biscuits and a skinny cappuccino afterwards.  Went to costco today. Picked up these little luxury desserts that come in jars. There are like a Rip off of gu. Anyway got lemon and salted caramel ones.  I made a homemade arabiatta sauce with wholemeal pasta for around 600 cal. I drank a glass of wine while making it, then had one of the lemon desserts for 194 cal afterwards.  Today I've consumed 2400 cal and burned 300. Tomorrow is the last day of my holidays then I will restrict the non fast day calories a bit more. I have had a lovely holiday without gaining weight so far so can not complain.

Friday 23 October 2015

Non fast day week 2 2750 -300 cal

Not the best as I went into work this morning then out for lunch. Had maple and sesame chicken followed by banana fritter things. Dinner was 4 slices of the lowest calorie dominos. Had a wine. Posting this before I eat anything else through greed as there's pizza and empire biscuits in the kitchen. Ate around 2700 and burned 300.